3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms may be easily misleading. Some women experience many of these symptoms, while others experience very few. The more of the following symptoms you have, the more likely it is that you are pregnant.

There are three types of symptoms of pregnancy: possible, probable and certain.

Possible Symptoms of Pregnancy

Probable symptoms of pregnancy

Certain symptoms of pregnancy

Currently, the easiest way to confirm a pregnancy is by taking pregnancy tests, which are more accurate now than before and much easier to use.

These tests like urine test, detect the pregnancy on the basis of this hormone in urine. Their accuracy is restricted to about 14 days after conception, and the result appears in just five minutes. If done properly, they are 100% accurate, with the advantage that they can be done at home and the results also appear immediately.

If the test is positive, do not delay for the consultation with a doctor because medical supervision is essential for the healthy development of the fetus. If the rest if negative, an appointment is recommended anyway to find out why the cycle is delayed.

Urine tests are taken in the laboratory, where the doctor can detect the same hormone in a period of 7 to 10 days after conception. The test is done by qualified personnel, which guarantees a higher chance of being properly interpreted.